Hands called at 4.45. Started Coaling from Agnes Duncan at 6.0 AM. Took in 310 tons. Finished before breakfast. Cleaned ship and guns in
forenoon. Make & mend in afternoon. Got head down.
Category Archives: A Diary of War
February 21st 1915
Sailing pinnace crew called away 1st thing. Got boat out and gear in before breakfast. Evolution. Out all wire hausers. In pinnace all the time.
Cleaned out pinnace in afternoon. Bill Pacy cut head open by hatch falling on it.
February 20th 1916
Usual Saturday Routine. Church in forenoon. Mended clothes in afternoon.
February 19th 1916
Scrubbed decks before breakfast. Cleaned out Mess & cleaning quarters in forenoon. Make & mend in afternoon. Duty Sub. Had to get in meat &
spuds at 2 o’clock. Almost a(s) soon as we had finished lighter came alongside with stores. and so had to get that in. Kept on the go until 5.30
and so some of make and mend. Heard result of training class. Came out top and so qualified for Acting S.G. alright. Got 89%. Lovely day. Quite
like summer.
February 18th 1916
Rotten day. Raining and snowing. Scrubbed gear in pinnace in forenoon. Should have played Signalmen in League in afternoon, but grounds unfit.
Night defence at 5.30. White Watch forward. Burnt searchlights. Slung clean hammocks.
February 17th 1916
Buzz about airing bedding, but it started raining and so noting doing. Cleaned pinnace for painting in forenoon. Training class in afternoon. Mr. Purdy passed us out in Field Training and ammunition. Finished training class thank goodness.
February 16th 1916
Refitted yeuth-rope in forenoon. Training class in afternoon. Emptied & refilled Maxim belts. Cook of Mess tomorrow and so had dinner to prepare. Pork and so made a bit of seasoning. Haddocks for breakfast.
February 15th 1916
Out net evolution in forenoon. Has to wash down under foreshelter deck afterwards. (Joys of being a Flagship) Make & mend in afternoon to make up for Saturday. Duty Sub and so my Beauty sleep was broken by the Beef Boat coming alongside about 12.30 P.M.
February 14th 1916
Overhauling coaling gear in forenoon. Gunnery Lieutenant passed training class out of 4″ stripping in afternoon.
February 13th 1916
Scrubbed decks before breakfast and cleaned ship in forenoon and then went to divisions and church. Went ashore with Landing Party in afternoon thinking they were going for a walk but Colin and I were very disappointed in finding the party were marched straight up to the Canteen and stopped there all the afternoon. However, Harry Dunlop invited us into his place so things might have been worse.