General Quarters. Training Class.
General Quarters. Training Class.
Sunday Routine. Had turkey for dinner.
Usual Saturday Routine. Finish Duty Sub for this month. Blowing hard all day.
Nothing doing. Buzzes about going out on 31st. Duty Sub New Year’s Eve and slept New Year in under fore shelter deck.
Coaled ship 450 tons from “Agnes Duncan”. Had long dinner hour.
Noting doing. Training class etc.
Usual Sunday Routine.
Christmas Day. Church in forenoon. Cook of Mess. Admiral’s rounds. Spent afternoon in Canteen’s Managers Cabin listening to gramophone, sing-song and quenching thirst.
Went out on “Prince Charlie” with Acting S.G. & G.L.2 class firing. Left about 7.30. “Prince Charlie” Submaring Decoy ship. Had 1 12 pdr and 26 pdr guns. Very heavy swell on when we got under bridge. Went out as far as May Island. Ship rolling horribly. Nearly all hands sick, including self. S.G. class did not fire as too rough. Got back to ship about 2.0 p.m. Hands had to make & mend. Got Christmas dinner ready.
Ammunition Ship.