This page has personal photos (post cards) of some of the crew of the Lion as well as photos of the RNVR London.

Sincerely Yours R. Morrison

To Frank Read RNVR (may or may not be either Lion crew or RNVR)

Vic (Queenie)

J. Dalton

George Wilmore

Walter Thomas Edmonds

Fairly sure this is Frank Read

Frank again, probably pre-war.

Jack ? (Maybe someone can decipher the last name and/or initials)

Sincerely Yours ? 20.10.16

Unable to read inscription on front. Might have been a Marine or perhaps simply an Army friend.

G. Fletcher (perhaps)

Yours Sincerely Freddie

Last name R, illegible on back.

I’ll need some tips on this one.

S. Jarralt (?)

Lion Crewmember

Yours very sincerely Colin Brown (May be the Colin mentioned frequently in the diary)

I’m not sure who this is but he’s in several photos. Do we know the history of the hat style? Is that the Lion?


Frank, I believe, in sitting on deck.

I’m not 100% sure but Frank might be sitting on deck, middle of five sailors.

H.M.S. “Lion” Seamen’s Racing Gigs Crew (Champions, Grand Fleet) 1918


Sig J A Gooch RNVR London June 1915

Sincerely Yours Alec