May 31st 1916

Rigged main derrick for working by hand in forenoon. Sea strewn with logs as far as could be seen evidently from a sunken merchant ship. Several Submarines also reported. Make and mend in
afternoon. Got head down on upper deck. “ACTION” sounded off quite suddenly about 3.45. Had heard nothing about anything doing. “Engadine” first brought news that she was being chased by
enemy ships. Heard light cruisers were engaging enemy. Then about 4.15 we started blazing away and so we knew it was no buzz this time at any rate.
4″ guns crews returned. About half an hour after the Action started shell burst in Canteen Flat. 4″ crews went in to fetch wounded. Awful sight. Men blown to bits. Arms & legs all over the
place. Those that were still alive all badly wounded. Got them out and put them on Mess Tables, and dished them up as well as we could. Shortly afterwards called up on deck to put fires
out. “Q” turret completely wrecked by shell. Top blown clear off onto deck. All the crew except two killed including Chaplain. Shell also came in through foremost blast screen and caused
fire although it did not explode. Several other fires in various parts of ship. Heard we are taking on the whole of the High Sea Fleet which accounted for our condition. Had to clear off Mess
deck as fumes were too thick. Took shelter behind “X” Turret and so saw a little of the fight. Salvos falling just over us. 5th Battle Squadron steamed up and started letting rip salvos.
Fine sight to watch them. Shots falling all round them. Went below again when Mess Deck was clearer. Shell came in Sick Bay shortly afterwards and flaked out a lot of men in Diving Room
Flat. Had to get them into safety. Some dead, others dying. Stokers dressing room converted into temporary Sick Bay. Grand Fleet joined up about 8.0. p.m. and took the brunt off us. Not at
all sorry as things were getting pretty warm. “Queen Mary” “Invincible” and “Indefatigable” sunk from Battle Cruiser Force. Still continued firing and ceased fire about 9.0.p.m. Came off
Mess Deck about 10.30.p.m. Told off to clear out dead from “Q” Turret. Ghastly job. Bodies burnt to cinders and horribly mutilated. Turret still smouldering. Many bodies jammed in by
wreckage. Had to hoist them up through man hole in top of turret. Carried on until about
(Ed: Continued June 1st 1916)

May 31st 1916

May 31st 1916

May 31st 1916 B

May 31st 1916 B

May 31st 1916 C

May 31st 1916 C